Jane Austen
2) Emma
Oft-copied but never bettered, Jane Austen's remarkable comedy of manners follows the charming but insensitive Emma Woodhouse as she sets out on an ill-fated career of match-making in the little town of Highbury. Taking the pretty but dreary Harriet Smith as her subject, Emma creates misunderstandings and chaos as she tries to find Harriet a suitor, until she begins to realize it isn't the lives of others she must try to transform.
Unique Elements
• About the Author
• Historical Context
Jane Austen's WITTY SATIRE of Gothic novels at the turn of the 19th century.
NORTHANGER ABBEY, written by BRITISH author JANE AUSTEN, is a coming-of-age novel with a satirical turn first published in 1817, posthumously, in the UNITED KINGDOM.
An all-time classic novel, the first completed by the pen of beloved authoress, .Jane Austen, follows the journey of Catherine...
Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility is the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, who struggle to achieve respectability, each in their own way in the face of the strict social conventions of early eighteenth-century England.
The carefree childhood of the two young sisters comes to an abrupt end upon their father's death which leaves the family penniless and pushed out of the estate upon which they grew up. They move to a modest cottage...
Unique Elements
• About the author
• Historical Context
A TIMELESS and BELOVED Literary Classic from JANE AUSTEN.
Mansfield Park by Brtitish author JANE AUSTEN is a book of literary fiction first published in 1814 in the United Kingdom
A Gothic-style romantic drama set mainly in the fashionable resort city of Bath, England, a midst the glittering social milieu of Britain's landed gentry.
Sneak Peak
'About thirty years...
6) Emma
Dans ce chef-d'œuvre de la littérature anglaise, Jane Austen nous plonge dans le quotidien d'Emma Woodhouse, une jeune femme intelligente et indépendante, mais aussi quelque peu arrogante. À travers ses tentatives maladroites de jouer les entremetteuses dans son cercle social, Emma explore avec finesse et humour les complexités des relations humaines, de l'amour, et des conventions sociales de l'époque.
Une œuvre intemporelle, riche en...
This charming collection by Jane Austen showcases her early writings, including several short stories, a play, and a series of letters that offer a delightful glimpse into her development as a writer. It is sometimes titled "Love and Freindship".
Written primarily in her teenage years, these pieces brim with the satirical wit and keen observation of social manners that would later define her famous novels. The compilation reveals Austen's early...
8) Persuasion
« Comment osez-vous dire qu'un homme oublie plus vite qu'une femme, que son amour est le premier à s'éteindre ? Je n'ai aimé personne d'autre que vous. » - Jane Austen, Persuasion
Persuasion est le dernier roman entièrement achevé de Jane Austen. Il a été publié à la fin de l'année 1817, six mois après sa mort. Persuasion a fait l'objet de plusieurs adaptations, dont quatre adaptations pour la télévision, des productions théâtrales,...
9) The Watsons
Jane Austen's unfinished novel‚ The Watsons tells the story of a widowed clergyman and his two sons and four daughters. The youngest daughter, Emma, returns home after being raised by a wealthy aunt. Better-educated and more genteel than her other sisters, she looks on disapprovingly at the husband-hunting of two of her sisters, and relates better to her more responsible oldest sister, Elizabeth. Various would-be suitors appear, including the boorish...
10) Lady Susan
Lady Susan is a novella by Jane Austen that offers a delightful glimpse into the author's early exploration of social satire and romantic intrigue. Set in the Regency era, the novella is presented as an epistolary narrative, composed of letters exchanged between characters, which unveils the scheming and manipulative Lady Susan Vernon.
Known for her charm and wit, Lady Susan navigates the social circles of her time with a cunning approach to...
Ambientada en el elegante pero rígido mundo de la Inglaterra de principios del siglo XIX, Orgullo y prejuicio narra la inolvidable historia de Elizabeth Bennet, una joven independiente y de lengua afilada que se niega a conformarse con las expectativas de la sociedad. Cuando conoce al orgulloso y distante Mr. Darcy, sus primeros encuentros están llenos de malentendidos, tensiones y chispas de desdén. Sin embargo, cuando sus mundos chocan, ambos...
Love and Friendship is a collection of early works by Jane Austen, showcasing her wit and satirical prowess long before her novels became literary classics.
This collection includes Love and Friendship, a novella presented as a series of letters that humorously critiques the romantic and social conventions of the 18th century. The stories offer a playful and ironic take on the pursuit of love and the follies of youthful sentiment, reflecting...
First published in 1932, this fantastic volume contains a large collection of letters written by famous English author Jane Austen. Although on the surface a series of discussions about silk stockings, dinner menus and attending dances, and other trivial matters, these letters offer the reader unique insights in the life and mind of this great author. "The Letters of Jane Austen" is not to be missed by those who have read and enjoyed her works and...
L'amour est-il une affaire de tête ou de cœur ? Argent et mariage sont les deux sujets de ce premier roman de Jane Austen.
Pour Elinor et Marianne Dashwood, c'est le temps de grands changements : leur père vient de mourir et l'héritier du domaine o elles vivent, fils d'un premier mariage de leur père, ne leur laisse que peu de choses pour subvenir à leurs besoins. Par raison, Elinor aide sa mère à trouver un nouveau logement à la hauteur...
15) Persuasion
Unique Elements
• About the Author
• Historical Context
A Charming Story of Romance and Love by JANE AUSTEN.
Persuasion by BRITISH author JANE AUSTEN is a classic romance novel first published in 1817, posthumously, in the UNITED KINGDOM.
A young Englishwoman gets a SECOND CHANCE at love and marriage, amidst the social whirl of England's fashionable resort city, Bath.
Sneak Peak
'More than seven years were gone since this...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER: Experience Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice as never before in this audacious horror mash-up full of romance, heartbreak, swordfights—and zombies!
This updated edition features 16 pages of color stills from the film adaptation, a reading group discussion guide, and bonus other materials.
A mysterious plague falls upon the quiet English village of Meryton—and...
This updated edition features 16 pages of color stills from the film adaptation, a reading group discussion guide, and bonus other materials.
A mysterious plague falls upon the quiet English village of Meryton—and...
Collected together here are three of Jane Austen's posthumously published works; "Sanditon", "The Watsons", and "Lady Susan". These fragmentary tales show Austen experimenting with different literary styles and parodying the popular novels of her day. In "Sanditon," Austen uses the premise of an idyllic and modern seaside town to examine its inhabitants and their various social circles with her trademark sharp social observations and wit. "The Watsons"...
18) Emma
Emma Woodhouse, jovem, bonita, rica e pretensiosa, é a primeira protagonista da obra de Jane Austen cujo futuro não depende da conquista de um bom marido. Faz questão de deixar claro que será solteira para sempre. Só se preocupa em cuidar do pai e demonstrar habilidade como casamenteira, escolhendo parceiros ideais para suas amigas. Quando seu dom para decifrar as intenções íntimas dos outros se revela defeituoso, ela terá de reconsiderar...
Elegant, sophisticated, and full of humor and romance, the novels of Jane Austen have been favorites of readers around the world for more than two centuries. Although set at the turn of the nineteenth century, in the England that she herself knew, Austen's characters espouse values and sentiments that still speak to modern sensibilities. No author has captured so vividly the affairs of hearts in conflict with class and social convention.
This volume...
É uma verdade universalmente conhecida que Orgulho e Preconceito é uma das maiores referências do romance mundial. A obra de Jane Austen, publicada em 1813, transporta os leitores para uma trama no século XIX. Elizabeth Bennet, diferentemente do que sua mãe espera, busca casar-se por amor e não pela possibilidade de ascensão social.
Num baile em Netherfield, a jovem conhece o orgulhoso Sr. Darcy, o qual despreza a jovem, e acaba despertando...