Henry Scougal
In this seventeenth century Christian classic, Henry Scougal crafted an intimate letter to a friend grappling with a loss of faith, Scougal's words, now published under the title "Life of God in the Soul of Man, resonate with a profound sense of camaraderie and love, unveiling a genuine passion that permeates every page.
Scougal's masterpiece, though brief, unfolds in three captivating parts. In part one, Scougal fearlessly delves into a compelling...
True religion is a union of the soul with God, a real participation of the divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul, or, in the Apostle's phrase, "It is Christ formed within us." Briefly, I know not how the nature of religion can be, more fully expressed, than by calling it a Divine Life: and under these terms, I shall discourse of it, showing first, how it is called a life; and then, how it is termed divine.
En el libro LA VIDA DE DIOS EN EL ALMA DEL HOMBRE, Henry Scougal, cita las formas para tener una vida más íntima con Dios, y muestra hechos y detalles que nos alejan de la salvación y la presencia divina. También nos habla sobre los errores de la religión, qué es la religión y puntos muy importantes sobre la vida que llevamos y cómo debemos deshacernos de las cosas mundanas y cómo estas nos alejan de Dios.