Kevin Spacey
1) Control
British Home Secretary Stella Simmons is engaging in a secret affair with the Prime Minister. While driving his young daughter home one night, she finds herself in a hostage situation as her self driving car is hijacked by a mysterious man, forcing her on a rampage through London.
7) House of cards, The complete 1st season: starring Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Kate Mara, Corey Stoll
Ruthless congressman Francis Underwood trades secrets for political access with an ambitious journalist in his quest to become the next president of the United States.
Possibly the biggest star that television has ever produced, Johnny Carson was seen by more people on more occasions than anyone else in American history. Over the course of his 30-year run on The Tonight Show, Carson interviewed 23,000 guests in 4,531 episodes. Watch as the life and career of one of the most beloved yet enigmatic icons in American entertainment history is explored.
Reporter Bob Wilton is trying to lose himself in the romance of war after his marriage fails. He gets more than he bargains for when he meets a special forces agent who reveals the existence of a secret, military unit whose goal is to end war as we know it. With unparalleled psychic powers, they can read the enemy's thoughts, pass through solid walls, and even kill a goat by simply staring at it. Now, the founder of the unit has gone missing and the...
Astronaut Sam Bell is completing a three-year contract with Lunar Industries to mine Earth's primary source of energy on the dark side of the moon: Helium-3. His declining health is causing headaches and hallucinations that lead to a near-fatal accident, rendering him unconscious. After recuperating, an unexpected discovery leads him to doubt his sanity, his identity, and the integrity of the company. Believing he is alone on his mission, his sole...
13) Baby driver
A talented, young getaway driver relies on the beat of his personal soundtrack to be the best in the game. But after being coerced into working for a crime boss, he must face the music when a doomed heist threatens his life, love and freedom.
An inksetter in New York, Quoyle returns to his family's longtime home, a small fishing town in Newfoundland, with his young daughter, after a traumatizing experience with her mother, who sold her to an illegal adoption agency. Though Quoyle has had little success thus far in life, his shipping news column in the local newspaper finds an audience, and his experiences in the town begin to change his life.
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history, but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal...
16) A time to kill
19) Hurlyburly
Hollywood movers and shakers dissect their own personal lives when everything seems to clash together.