Disc 1. Ballrooms & biscotti ; The Lorelais' first day at Yale ; The hobbit, the sofa, and Digger Stiles ; Chicken or beef
Disc 2. The fundamental things apply ; An affair to remember ; The festival of living art ; Die, jerk
Disc 3. Ted Koppel's big night out ; The nanny and the professor ; In the clamor and the clangor ; A family matter
Disc 4. Nag Hammadi is where they found the gnostic gospels ; The incredible sinking Lorelais ; Scene in a mall ; The reigning Lorelai
Disc 5. Girls in bikinis, boys doin' the twist ; Tick, tick, tick, boom! ; Afterboom ; Luke can see her face
Disc 6. Last week fights, this week tights ; Raincoats and recipes.